1.1 Modernize technology, software, and systems.
Action Item Description
Explore, pursue, and implement ways to modernize outdated systems and software platforms throughout the organization to make work tasks more efficient and sustainable. A key first step for the organization will be replacing the City’s obsolete financial operating system with a new enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that meets industry standards. Steps in modernizing technology and systems will lead to internal efficiencies and the ability to conduct business online with the public in a convenient way. Developing and executing an implementation strategy and timeline will be vital to move the organization forward without stressing existing staff and resources.
% Complete |
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Enterprise Software Updates
0% | Q4-24 |
What we're watching
Start Date: 01/01/2023 |
End Date: 12/31/2026 |
Status Update |
Status Indicators: Completed| In Progress | Ongoing | Future Action | On Hold | In Design | Under Construction
Actual |
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Measures TBD
Status Indicators: On Target| Caution | Below Target | No Target