4.1 Complete a housing study and implement policy strategies.

Action Item Description
Manhattan has adopted a housing market analysis and policy strategy that establishes a comprehensive approach to providing suitable housing for Manhattan residents, now and in the future. Manhattan residents have expressed a strong desire to develop housing solutions that are affordable and meet the demands of the workforce to be an attractive place for all to call home.


% Complete

Results from

Housing Market Analysis (HMA) Study

0% Q2-24
What we're watching
Start Date: 10/01/2021 End Date: 11/01/2022

Status Update

Workforce Housing Steering Committee

0% Q2-24
What we're watching
Start Date: 01/01/2023 End Date: 12/31/2025

Status Update
Status Indicators: Completed Status Icon Completed| In Progress Status Icon In Progress | Ongoing Status Icon Ongoing | Future Action Status Icon Future Action | On Hold Status Icon On Hold | In Design Status Icon In Design | Under Construction Status Icon Under Construction



Results from

Status Indicators: On Target Icon On Target| Caution Status Icon Caution | Below Plan Status Icon Below Target | No Target Status Icon No Target
City of Manhattan, KS
1101 Poyntz Avenue
Manhattan, KS 66502
Contact 785-587-2480
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