4.6 Evaluate feasibility to provide a community indoor aquatics center.

Action Item Description
Manhattan lacks access to an indoor aquatics center for the community, unlike many peer cities. Many residents are traveling outside of City limits to meet competitive, therapeutic, and recreational swimming needs. Residents expressed a strong desire for the City to find a solution for indoor aquatics, and the City should evaluate the feasibility of providing this community amenity.


% Complete

Results from

Indoor Aquatics Feasibility Study

0% Q2-24
What we're watching
Start Date: 05/03/2021 End Date: 05/24/2024
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Status Indicators: Completed Status Icon Completed| In Progress Status Icon In Progress | Ongoing Status Icon Ongoing | Future Action Status Icon Future Action | On Hold Status Icon On Hold | In Design Status Icon In Design | Under Construction Status Icon Under Construction



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City of Manhattan, KS
1101 Poyntz Avenue
Manhattan, KS 66502
Contact 785-587-2480
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