5.3 Attract new private businesses to the community.
Action Item Description
To continue to diversify the economy, the City and Chamber must attract new companies with high-wage jobs. The strategies should continue to focus on bringing in new investment, revenues, sales, and visitors from beyond the region into the City. Accelerating the rate at which the community pulls money in from national and international sources will be the necessary fuel for job creation and general prosperity. This concept of “net importation of dollars” blends the concept of keeping our strengths and people in the community, while at the same time actively recruiting from outside the state.
% Complete |
Results from |
Economic Development Agreements (New Businesses)
0% | Dec-24 |
What we're watching
Start Date: 01/01/2022 |
End Date: 12/31/2026 |
Status Update |
Scorpius Biomanufacturing
0% | Q4-24 |
What we're watching
Start Date: 01/01/2023 |
End Date: 12/31/2026 |
Status Update |
Status Indicators: Completed| In Progress | Ongoing | Future Action | On Hold | In Design | Under Construction
Actual |
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Status Indicators: On Target| Caution | Below Target | No Target