2.5 Establish engagement processes and protocols for City-funded projects and the annual budget process.
Action Item Description
Manhattan residents are seeking ways to shape the future of their community. The City should create a toolkit that standardizes the expectations and approach for a robust community engagement process that can be used for City projects, initiatives, and planning efforts, as well as the annual budgeting process. The toolkit can build off of the CrossroadsMHK process based upon various levels of size, scope, impact, and methods.
% Complete |
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Status Indicators:
In Progress |
Ongoing |
Future Action |
On Hold |
In Design |
Under Construction
![Completed Status Icon](/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Completed-Green.png)
![In Progress Status Icon](/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/In-Progress-blue.png)
![Ongoing Status Icon](/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Orange-Ongoing.png)
![Future Action Status Icon](/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Future-Action-purple.png)
![On Hold Status Icon](/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/On-Hold-Yellow.png)
![In Design Status Icon](/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/In-Design-Purple.png)
![Under Construction Status Icon](/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Under-Construction.png)
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Status Indicators:
On Target|
Caution |
Below Target |
No Target
![On Target Icon](/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/On-Target.png)
![Caution Status Icon](/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Caution.png)
![Below Plan Status Icon](/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Below-Plan.png)
![No Target Status Icon](/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/No-Target.png)